Thursday 17 November 2011

terima kasih kak uda :P

thank you very much NABILAH RUSHDA KAMARUDDIN :D
akak cun,, thanx for the wish :)

p/s: sorry curik ur picture. nice lahh kawan :D
      i miss you like crazy, sayang :'(

norazirahmohamadnoor :)

Sunday 13 November 2011

dwarf? i like it bro :)

haa.this is all about a boy that call me dwarf. :D tk pyah nak mintak maaf lahh, tk pnah amek hati pown time kau ejek aku pendek,dwarf,kecik and others. its the fact. so, aku tk ksa sgt lahh. hehe.

aku mintak tolong org wish kt kau gud luck spm. saje saje je. sebab kau kan senior aku. tak mengharapkan balasan pown. tiba tiba around kol 12 kau text aku. haha. act,, aku mengharapkan org lain yg txt aku. bila tnye sape tu? kau pown reply name kau. haha. tak tahu nape tp aku rase happy pulak.

text punya text,, last last kau tk rep. aku igt kau dah tido, aku pown hantar lahh mcg gudnyte. tak lame lpas tu,, kau call aku. haha. aku pown teragak agak nak jawab ke tak. last last aku amek decision nk agkt. :) hehe. segan segan aku cakap ngan kau.dengar eh conversation kami :D
si dia: eh, sorry lah weyh tadi aku on call. ttk tido lagi pown
aku: ouh. haha. on call ngan awek lahh tuh. *sambil ketawa gedik :)
si dia: hah. comellah kau gelak dwarf  *time niy aku dah tersenyum gembira
aku: haha. diam lahh kau. pergi tidur lahh budak tinggi
si dia: haa. nak tidur lahh niy.
aku: okay. bye2. nyte 
si dia: eh, esok pagi kau bangun solat hajat utk aku ea? aku cuak lahh nak exam neh
aku: haa? bukan tak ley solat hajat after subuh ke?
si dia: eh, tk ley ea? haa. b4 kau solat subuh tu solat lahh hajat tok aku dulu. tw. tw. :)
aku: haa. yelah. nanti bila aku dah buat solat tuh, aku mcg kau tw. :))
si dia: okay. thanx tw dwarf. kau doakan aku tw. future aku weyh. tolong tw. ^^v
aku: ye lahh. aku doa kan kau. dah lh pergi tiodo. aku pown da ngantok niy.
si dia: okay. gud nyte dwarf
aku: nyte. bye. assalammualaikum *haa. tk thu ejaan betul ke tk :P
si dia: haha. baik lahh kau. waalaikummusalam

okay. sampai situ je perbualan kitorg. sumpah aku happy dapat kenal dia :)

i think im falling for you bro :D 
dwarf a.k.a midget :D 

suka hati je nak aja aku pilih kawan! :O

hi! hm. today nak cerita sikit tentang seorang minah yang aku baru kenal tapi dah memandai nak ajar aku pilih kawan. pergh,, lau pasal benda lain boleh terima, tapi pasal kawan tk boleh la nak buat main derr. kawan kawan aku, sukatilah nak pilih yang macam mana pown.kau suruh aku carik kawan yang matang? wattahell -,- kau ingat kawan kawan aku tak matang ke? aku rasa kau yang tak matang. suka hati jeh nak ajar ajar anak orang. and fyi, kawan kawan yang aku ada tuh dh ckup sempurna utk aku. betul tak kawan kawan? :)

Wednesday 9 November 2011

I heard someone whisper your name, but when I turned around to see who it was, I was alone.
Then I realized that it was my heart telling me that I miss you.

marliana mukhlas  :D

miss them so much :'(

eiqa and diena

Monday 7 November 2011

this story change my mind :D

I met him when i was first yr high school, i don't like him before,i talk to him and laugh because im just trying to be friends. then he says he had a crush on me. but i don't like him before and after he says that, i'd realize hes cute and nice so i think i started liking him too,
i always notice him looking at me and i caught him.
i think he so embarrassed when i caught him looking at me,so i didn't caught him looking at me anymore but sometimes..he walk then smile at me ..
im sad cuz i think he just going to be my crush.. 
im too young to have bf,..u know ..
and i don't know if i will meet him again after i graduated and got my first salary..

Thursday 3 November 2011

its okay for me :D

I'll pretend as if I don't need you, I'll pretend as if I don't care, I'll pretend as if someone better to replace you. :D